Monday 1 December 2014

Stitching, Hail, Girl 18, OPAM

Hi everyone,

Gosh,  November has been a crazy, busy month here at the cottage.  There has been a LOT of stitching happening here but it's all good...stitching makes me happy.

Our Sunday Stitchers Christmas party was yesterday.  The name I drew for Secret Santa was Teresa who has a blog here.   Teresa loves gingies and she loves French General fabric, so I stitched this super cute design by the lovely Michelle who blogs here.   I put a few goodies inside...more FG fabric, a vanilla candle, a cute little Daiso cherry tape dispenser, a gingerbread cookie, and a notebook.   The Christmas party was great fun and I will show you my gorgeous present and tell you the story behind it in my next post.

Some of us in the SS group have been working on a row by row quilt.  It's been a paper bag swap type of event where we are given a theme each month to make a row for another lady's quilt.  We have not been allowed to show anything until now...the Christmas party was our big reveal.


                                            Susan, Maree, Debbie, De.

                                          Debbie, De,  Marilyn, Noela.  We had so many ladies in front of us
                       taking photos, that none of us knew where to look LOL.

I rarely show my face here, but this picture is especially for  Mel.  Earlier this year, Mel was my partner for another swap and she included this very special stitchery for me of a Labrador with a quilt to always remind me of the naughty one that wouldn't stay off the bed. I put the stitchery on my fridge so I will see it every day.  The instructions for the very last row that we were to make ourselves had to include stitchery.  So, I traced the special stitchery from Mel to include on my quilt (it's near my right hand).  The rest of the stitchery says "Happiness is a Sweet Little Cottage By the Sea".  I will show a better picture later but I hope you can see "Z" there, dear Mel.

Four of us also joined in the "haveyourselfaquiltylittlechristmas" stitchalong that has been happening on Instagram.  L-R:  De, Debbie, Teresa, Jeanette.  The hostess is Lori Holt from beeinmybonnet and some of the blocks are from her book Quilty Fun. We all managed to get our flimsys ready in time for show and tell at the party.  This has been great fun sewing together with so many ladies from all over the world....together.

Somehow, I also managed to make 20 cute little thread spool ornaments to give as gifts at the party too.  This the spool pattern is also from the book "Quilty Fun".

I still have more pictures to show of more things I sewed in between all this, but they will keep till next time.   I am expecting girl 18 to arrive 22nd of December.  She is a yellow lab/golden retriever mix and she is a working coming when we meet at last!!

Last....did you hear about the hail? In 7 1/2 years, I've only ever had pea size hail at this house, but last week, it seemed like rocks were falling from the sky. The noise on the iron roof was deafening but I am thankful my only loss was my tomato plants...I can start over easily enough.  So many others had it much worse that day.


This palm frond is well latched onto the power lines...until who knows when!?  That's all for now,  I will show my gorgeous present from Jeanette and the rest of the sewing soon. xx debbie


  1. So much happening it was hard to do just one post.Such a fun day...loving my little spool - I really need tree of some sort now...

  2. It was a wonderful day. I think i'll have to buy a little Christmas tree this just so i can hang the ornies from friends. Love the little spool you made. Hugs,xx

  3. Hi deb what a happy fun post ,love the projects you made and you ladies are so clever with your quilts. And Mel is such a sweetie,enjoy your day my friend.xx

  4. Looks like you had a great day. Glad you survived the storm.

  5. Your gift for Teresa is lovely everyone's show and tell is amazing....
    Ove all those spools

  6. I'm a tad camera shy too so thank you :) I found "Z" he looks very cute. Your flimsy's are all amazing - I think you must have more hours in your days in QLD - you certainly achieve so much more than me. Love your spools too (only 94 sleeps!!).

  7. Lovely post Debbie. Lots of beautiful things to share. The storm sure was a doozy!

  8. Wow that hail is amazing!! We heard here that you had a bad storm! Your row by row quilt is lovely - did you work from a pattern or just what people suggested for each row? The Christmas quilts are lovely too..great show and tell.

  9. So glad that there wasn't any major damage from the hail. Great quilts too you look as if you've all been very busy.

  10. Wow what big hail stones! Lots of lovely quilts and projects.

  11. Hi Debbie - just popping in to say Happy New Year & happy stitching in 2015... x

  12. so lovely to finally meet you Debbie..........

  13. Gosh its been a while since you blogged - just as well i see you from time to time.


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